Saving Your Teeth
At ARID, we firmly believe prevention is better than restoration. Our team of specialists is dedicated to providing you with high-quality care to prevent your oral health from requiring restorations in the future. Our general preventive dentistry includes check-ups, cleans, oral cancer screening, head and neck cancer screening, and prevention of sports-related dental injuries.
The Link Between Overall Health & Oral Health
Many people don’t realise their oral health actually affects their overall health and well-being. As the old saying goes, ‘You only get out what you put in…’ and for this reason, bad oral health can have a significant negative impact on your quality of life. Not only do bad oral health and hygiene habits affect your lifestyle, they also have a large impact in either attracting or deterring other diseases. If poor oral health is left untreated it can cause extreme pain, loss of sleep, inability to eat correctly, and result in time off work, as well as causing embarrassment. Bad oral health can also accelerate the progress and severity of certain illnesses, which is why it is of upmost importance to maintain your dental care.
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